
【私人清单】iOS App技术支持网址(URL)

应用简介 | Application intro

私人清单,一个极简风格的待办清单 APP

Your-Own-List,A minimalist to-do list APP


1、点击右下角图标,新建待办事项 | Click the icon in the lower right corner to create a to-do item

2、点击事项,标记为已完成/未完成 | Click the item and mark it as completed/unfinished

3、按完成状态顺序,展示待办列表 | Presents a to-do list in order of completion status

4、按住待办事项向左滑动,删除待办 | Hold down the to-do list and swipe to the left to delete it

5、基于本机的持久化存储,无需联网 | Native-based persistent storage, no networking required

联系开发者 | Contact developer


If you have any questions, please leave a message or send me an email.
Thank you!

软件截图 | Software screenshots

首页 | Home Page 添加待办 | Add Task Page
Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 8 Plus - 2022-07-02 at 22.25.23 Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 8 Plus - 2022-07-02 at 22.25.09